Sermon Series:
The Essential Work of Hope

There’s been a lot of talk during this season about the “essential work” in our communities needed to keep us alive and flourishing. These workers are the ones that labor tirelessly to provide the basics of what we would need for life.

For the Christian, the essential but often invisible work of hope perhaps is the most powerful source of life we have in our present circumstances. Throughout generations of the people of God, hope is the one thread that kept exiles moving through the wilderness, prophets continuing to speak truth, and the early church growing in the midst of persecution.

Starting July 12th through August 2nd, we will examine a theology of hope that is so relevant and needed today through the writings of Paul to the church in Rome. Join us so we can explore these realities in our lives:

Hope is the vision that guides us.
…informed by our past
—amidst our present
…and for a purposeful future
So Don’t Give Up!

Embracing Hopelessness of the Past
July 12, 2020
Rev. Katie McKay Simpson

An Active Hope
July 19, 2020
Rev. Katie McKay Simpson

Fervent Diligence
July 26, 2020
Rev. Ali Young

Don’t Give Up
August 2, 2020
Rev. Katie McKay Simpson