There are many ways of walking as prayer and meditation. This is one that Jonathon Stalls from Intrinsic Paths has to offer:
[ From the Center for Action and Contemplation, Richard Rohr’s Daily Mediation, Practice: Brave Creativity ]

In 2010, Living School sendee Jonathon Stalls spent 242 days walking across the United States. The journey inspired him to help other people experience “life at 3 miles per hour.” As an artist and social and racial justice advocate, his activism is communicated through community building, contemplative practice, and walking meditation. We invite you, as able, to take some time this weekend to move mindfully through your local area. Jonathon offers these instructions:

Bring a notebook, invite goals/pains/dreams with you, and perhaps protect some time for pre-writing (What might you want to open, envision, dream, wake up to as you walk/roll?). . . .

Timing & Location:
[Move] at least 30‒40 minutes. Unhurried. Right where you are, and, if you can, the less distractions or barriers, the better. If you can be in quieter or smoother environments, you will have a greater creative capacity.

Safety & Health:
[Bring a mask with you.] If near people, please wear it when you are 6‒10 feet away. Have water, comfortable shoes/clothing, and sun [protection].

Before You Begin Moving:
Pause and take a few deep breaths. As your lungs expand, envision your veins, brain capacity, heart capacity, and dream capacity expanding with them. Be as open as you can be.

As you begin to move, seek the realms of wonder, of space, and of reaching high into what’s possible. Look up at the sky as often as you can. As you move, notice the way branches adapt, bend, and emerge from the sides. They started in one direction . . .  where did they end up? How are they filling in and thriving in the spaces where no branch existed before? Notice the way clouds move, plants rest and blossom, and colors evolve as the sun goes down.

After roughly 20 minutes notice what begins to clear, notice what begins to open around your ideas, dreams, and possible barriers/blocks. Be ready with that notebook! I find that it is super helpful to simply honor what comes up by jotting it down. I can then release it, which will allow for more creative room. Try not to overthink or shut down ideas. This is a time to allow and celebrate imagination. If you aren’t noticing moments of inspiration and creativity, don’t worry . . . this practice can take time to set in. In time (and with practice!) it will open and expand your thinking, living, and BEing in beautiful and revealing ways.