Prayer is one of the most talked about and misunderstood aspects of the Christian life. When we hear or speak about the concept of prayer, we might conjure a diverse set of images–public speaking, silent meditation, a parent and child kneeling by a bedside, lists of needs and celebrations, and congregations reciting timeless words by heart in one voice. We are left to ponder, how can one act show up in human life in so many different ways?

In this series, we will consider and explore a number of questions around prayer:

What is prayer? What are we really talking about when we say “prayer”?

Does prayer really matter? Does prayer actually work?

What’s at stake for me and for the world if we don’t pray?

In a world filled with needs, hopes, and fears, prayer is essential to a connection with God, reminding us of who God is and, in the process, who we are. Join us during the month of September to hear messages and engage in experiences meant to broaden our sense of this vital Christian practice.

Our devotional guide is currently available in the Fellowship Hall, Narthex, and linked below.

“Prayer Matters” Devotional Guide