“Silence Is God's First Language; Everything Else Is A Poor Translation.”

Thomas Keating Invitation To Love: The Way Of Christian Contemplation

Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer is a contemplative Christian meditation practice designed to deepen one's relationship with God by fostering a state of interior silence. The practice is typically done for about 20 minutes, twice a day, and is intended to create a space for encountering God’s presence beyond thoughts, emotions, and sensory experiences. We will meet on Zoom each Wednesday from noon to 12:30 p.m. for Centering Prayer beginning October 2nd, 2024. 


What is a Spiritual Companion/Spiritual Director?

  • Spiritual companions support people on their spiritual journeys through life.
  • Spiritual companions are welcoming and present with those they companion, listening and responding without being judgmental.
  • Spiritual companions are contemplative and honor silence as a spiritual practice.
  • Spiritual companions recognize the agency of the people they companion.
  • Spiritual companions are intuitive spiritual friends — accountable and compassionate, hospitable and open, loving yet independent.

What is Spiritual Companionship?

Spiritual direction or companionship inspires people to experience authenticity in their lives as they connect with and explore the ground of all being, that deepest of truths which is beyond life and death and goes by many names, including God, and no name at all.

Why Work with a Spiritual Director?

  • They offer deep listening which helps people find and follow their own spiritual path
  • They ask insightful, open-ended questions that help people connect with their authentic selves
  • They allow space for stillness and silence (contemplation) to help people become aware of what is deep within them
  • They build trust and openness by being authentic, kind and open themselves
  • They do not proselytize, nor seek to influence or convince, but instead walk alongside people as they make their individual and unique spiritual journeys
  • They honor the free will and discernment of each human being, especially in spiritual matters
  • They offer a mirror to those they companion so they may see themselves as whole beings if they so choose
  • They help the people they accompany create a stronger relationship with self and others and God, or however they refer to the ground of all beings.
  How do I get started in Spiritual Direction?

How do I get started in Spiritual Direction?

Let’s talk. You can contact Lisa Frost by email at lisa@universitymethodist.org. We have a list of Spiritual Directors both in state and available to meet online. We can then set up a meeting and talk about your journey and questions. Meetings can happen in person, when possible and with online platforms. It is common to meet with a Spiritual Director monthly for an hour or so. This is a gentle process of observation and listening that is guided by the person seeking Spiritual Companionship and Direction.

Lisa is a trained Spiritual Director and Certified in Spiritual Formation by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) of the United Methodist Church. She loves to plan and facilitate retreats in Louisiana and beyond for the renewal of the mind, body and spirit. Lisa also teaches Disciple Bible Study, works with small groups and does one to one Spiritual Direction with lay people and clergy.