The mission of UUMC is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by offering a meaningful and relevant Christian witness that welcomes all, nurtures growth, and serves our community.

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Get Involved In Outreach to Our Congregation & Others

This ministry exists to serve the greater purpose of the University United Methodist Church: To love God, love others as ourselves, and be disciples of Christ who make disciples of Christ for the transformation of the whole world. 

Our purpose is to uphold the congregation, its ministries, its pastors, and the community in prayer by receiving and praying for concerns and requests from individuals and being available to pray with someone if the need arises. We love receiving any prayer concerns you may have. Individuals with prayer concerns can communicate prayer requests directly to the prayer team, submit an online prayer request through the website home page, or call the Church Office at 225-344-0343. If a person desires, they can have the name printed in the Gathering and Scattering for congregational prayer. Otherwise, all requests remain confidential.

Susan Pourciau is the Prayer Team Coordinator. Currently, the Prayer Team is meeting remotely, but members are still in prayer for all your concerns. Please contact Susan through the office if you would like to become a member of the Prayer Team. All are welcome to participate.

The Cards Ministry Team is made up of lay persons and the Director of Welcome and Engagement. This team is dedicated to tending to the needs of the members of the church. In prayer, both joys and concerns are raised during the weekly Wednesday morning meetings. The Cards Ministry Team, formerly the Care Team, has been meeting faithfully for twenty years to serve God in the church through works of compassion and love.

Greeting cards of sympathy, encouragement, and congratulations are mailed out every week.

Birthday cards to members eighty years and older are also sent each week.

Rosebuds are provided on the altar on Sunday mornings to celebrate recent births among members.

Candles are provided on the altar on Sunday Mornings in memory of individuals who have passed away that week. 

The Cards Ministry Team sends requests (when needed) to the Meals Ministry Team to provide meals to individuals returning home after hospitalization.

The church office (225-344-0343) should be contacted if there are members who need assistance in any way, or the request can be placed in the “Prayer/Care Team” mailbox in the church office. The Cards Ministry Team will do their best, with God’s help, to respond quickly.

Finally, if a person is interested in joining the Cards Ministry Team in its ministry of encouragement, prayer, and service that person should call the Cards Team Coordinators: Patti Damico or Ki Addison, or the Director of Welcome and Engagement through the church office. The Cards Ministry Team currently meets in person at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays in the library.

The Carpenter’s Lay Eucharistic Ministry Team began in 2016. This is a team of non-clergy members of UUMC who are trained to take preblessed Holy Communion to homebound members (people who can no longer make it to church – mainly because of age, mobility, and/or health problems). Members of this group visit members in their homes, assisted living centers, or rehabilitation centers to offer a comforting presence and to serve Holy Communion (consecrated bread and cup) to individuals unable to attend worship regularly.

A two-day training is offered which covers:

  • a theology of Holy Communion in The United Methodist Church,
  • a brief understanding of the practice of lay visitation,
  • how to handle and care for the Communion elements, and practice serving Holy Communion to each other.
  • A Safe Sanctuary Covenant form is required and a background check is also standard procedure to be able to visit the homes of our members who are elderly.

If you are interested in participating in this ministry, we ask that:

  • you are a member of the congregation
  • have the desire to serve the body of Christ
  • have a passion for and a love of Holy Communion

Please contact the Director of Welcome and Engagement at 225-344-0343 to learn more about this ministry and upcoming training dates.

The Bereavement Team is called into action whenever a funeral service has been scheduled at University United Methodist Church.  A Bereavement Team consists of at least 3 volunteers from the congregation who faithfully serve God through hospitality and compassion to the bereaved family during a funeral. 

Members of the team meet before the scheduled funeral service to set up the guestbook, prepare the Sanctuary as requested, place white paraments on the pulpit and altar, check the oil level in candles, set temperature and lights, and provide cold water bottles for guests during the visitation hours.

The team is there to welcome the family upon arrival at the church and offer help and service to the family whenever needed. The Bereavement Team also stands in the narthex as the guests arrive and offers hospitality to the guests, directing them to the guestbook, providing worship bulletins, and offering directions to church facilities. At the conclusion of the service and as the guests exit the church, the team then restores the sanctuary in preparation for Sunday worship.  

A beautiful reception can be prepared in the Fellowship Hall by our reception team after the funeral service if requested by the family. 

New volunteers are always welcome to become new Bereavement Team members. Contact the Director of Welcome and Engagement through the church office at 225-343-0343. You will then receive the appropriate training.  This is a powerful ministry for people who have compassion for bereaved families.

Through a team of wonderful volunteers, we provide meals to church members in times of need…

  • after the birth of a baby.
  • after surgery or hospitalization.
  • during times of crisis.

The meals ministry is an excellent way to meet other people from church and make a difference in someone’s life, with a minimal time commitment. Meals DO NOT have to be homemade. In situations such as these, it is definitely “the thought that counts.” The purpose is to help someone in need by providing a helping hand in meal preparation, not to dazzle anyone with your culinary skills. In times of need, a friendly face and a meal is a true gifts.

Those wishing to join this ministry will be put on a special email list, and when a need for meals arises, we will email the ministry team, asking for each volunteer to sign up to bring a meal on a day and time that works best for them. You will not have to make a meal each time you are asked, but do remember that this is a ministry of caring; it will bring love and blessings to your life as well as to those you bless with a meal or two. If you would be interested in joining this ministry, or if you know of someone in our church family who needs meals, please email Lauren Broussard LeBouef at or call the church office at 225-344-0343.

This group is responsible for organizing and overseeing the reception information and needs when a family has a funeral at the church. To join this team, email the office at

This group has the opportunity to visit those in the hospital and those who are homebound. If you are interested in being a part of this team, please contact the Director of Welcome and Engagement at

Serve On A Church Committee Or Board

Getting involved with the church is the fastest way to find community and connection and grow your relationship with God. If you see a group below that you would be interested in joining, please contact the church office by emailing so we can talk further!

The Church Council is the executive agency of the church. The work of the council is to envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the congregation’s ministry and mission. It also provides for the administration of the church and its daily life.

The membership consists of all committee heads as well as persons who represent the program ministries of the church, United Methodist Men, United Methodist Women, and United Methodist Youth, plus a young adult and the pastor. Additional at large members may be appointed to ensure that the council reflects the character and population of the congregation.

The staff-parish relations committee (SPRC) is required by paragraph 244 in The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church and is a basic part of the organizational structure of the local church. The SPRC is the local church administrative unit in which lay and clergy spiritual leaders integrate the staff and congregational interests to focus on the mission and vision of the local church as well as communicate clearly with the Louisiana Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.

The Committee on Finance oversees the daily financial operations of the church including funds received and disbursed. The committee is responsible for the annual budget of the church and for the annual stewardship campaign. The Committee is headed by a Chairperson and is made up of nine committee members and heads of other church committees and pastors.

The Mission and Outreach Team facilitates the participation of UUMC in missions around our community. We encourage the congregation to propose projects that interest them. Projects that can involve all ages are especially encouraged. We have ongoing relationships with Habitat for Humanity, HOPE Ministries Client Choice Food Pantry, the Holy Grill, and Rise Against Hunger. Each year a Toy Drive is held for Hope Ministries’ Christmas Toy Distribution. We encourage anyone with a heart for a mission to join the Mission and Outreach Team. For more information please contact the office at

Our committee seeks to inspire and organize our congregation to act on issues of injustice and inequality that are present in our local area and the world. In the last two years, we have participated in LSU’s Take Back the Night vigil honoring victims of violence, participated in Baton Rouge’s Pride celebration, and participated in different dialogues to educate others on social matters. In addition, the Social Justice Committee has become a Reconciling small group by affiliating with the Reconciling United Methodist Network which supports full inclusion for all LGBTQ+ United Methodists. We have a desire to learn more about and support other pressing issues including immigration, human trafficking, criminal justice reform, homelessness, environmental stewardship, women’s issues, educational disparity, and poverty eradication.

Those desiring to join the committee and work for a more humane, just, and compassionate community through education and advocacy, please contact Melissa Nguyen at