One child, one hour is the heart of KIDS HOPE USA. One caring adult mentoring an at-risk child one hour every week. Because when kids feel loved and valued, they are better able to learn, grow, and succeed. Join us in this mission.


Our Adopted School – McKinley Elementary

University United Methodist Church has an over 40-year history with the new McKinley Elementary (combined campuses of the former University Terrace and Buchanan Elementary Schools). The church officially partnered with the school when it was formerly University Terrace, in 1983. Since then we have taken part in numerous community projects to help the school through fundraising, beautification, and general emotional and physical support.

The new $25 million facility at 408 East Polk Street (the historic address of University Terrace) will have the capacity to eventually educate more than 800 students. This inaugural year, McKinley Elementary is expected to have a total population of more than 600 students for the 2023-24 school year in grades K-5.

Contact our Kids Hope Director, Shirley Flake, at to learn more about this life-changing program and how you can volunteer.

Won’t you join us in making a difference?

Fall Fun Fridays Are Back!

The new McKinley Elementary School opened in the fall of 2023, and we've been looking for ways to show love for the teachers and staff of our partner school. We are bringing back Fall Fun Fridays! We are asking for a volunteer each Friday to drop snacks or treats at the teacher's lounge. These can be homemade or packaged items like donuts, rice krispy treats, apples, or other fruit. This simple thing really raises their spirits and reminds them that University United Methodist Church is part of their team.

Please email to get matched with a date this Fall. 

Become A Mentor

Each mentor is paired with a 3rd grader at McKinley Elementary and meets with them on a weekly basis to work on academics and develop a strong friendship.

Become A Prayer Partner

Faithfully commit to praying for one of our mentor/child pairs. Pray for their success and check in with them to hear joys and concerns.

Become A Garden Team Member

Our Garden Team meets every Tuesday morning in the edible garden at McKinley from 8:00 – 9:30 AM. The team works with the 5th grade students involving them in the entire gardening process.

Become A Book Club Leader

We currently sponsor 18 book clubs for the entire 4th grade.  Each club has an adult leader who guides the small group of students through new chapter books we gained from generous donations.  Children engage in discussions about character development, the author’s purpose, and vocabulary usage. Each child will complete 3 books which they get to keep to add to their home library.

Become A Special Events Helper

Each year we sponsor several events in which extra volunteers are always needed and welcomed. We provide a Back-To-School Teacher Breakfast and luncheons at Christmas and the End of the Year, a school-wide Holiday carnival at the school, and the 5th-grade graduation ceremony and reception at our church.

Make A Donation

Kids Hope relies on donations to help meet the needs of our partner school. This year, we gratefully accept monetary donations to help us meet individual needs for school supplies and uniforms. We also depend on donations to purchase new chapter books for all 80+ of our book club students and maintain the edible garden.

Give Now to UUMC Kids Hope

Your Generosity Allowed UUMC To Provide The Following To The Children In Our Kids Hope Program & Our Partner School During The 2022-2023 School Year:


Children Met With A Volunteer At School On A Weekly Basis


Worth Of Chapter Books For Our Book Clubs


Worth Of School Supplies


New Chapter Books - Three For Each Book Club Student

  • Teacher Back-to-School Breakfast
  • 80 Earbuds for 4th graders
  • 200 New Backpacks for all students
  • Indoor volleyball poles for 4th-grade volleyball team
  • 6 Garden Team Volunteers met with 30 5th grade gardeners every Tuesday before school
  • 26 Book Club leaders met with their book club once a week for entire year (Over 83 Students)
  • Supplies for Garden Team plants, crafts, and activities
  • Candy bags, toothbrushes, and toothpaste for every student at Halloween
  • $1000 worth of goody bags for every child at Christmas
  • School-wide Holiday Carnival with 25 volunteers, train ride, inflatables, games, costumed entertainers
  • $1300 worth of hats, gloves, and scarves for all students who attended the Holiday Carnival
  • Christmas brunch for teachers
  • Valentine’s Day Treats for each child
  • Butterfly kits to the 5th grade classrooms
  • Tote bag for each Kids Hope book club leader
  • Cases of bottled water for testing
  • End of Year Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
  • Garden Party for 5th grade gardeners
  • The 5th-grade Graduation in our Sanctuary with a reception in the Fellowship Hall